












このような変容は現在惑星地球の世界中で起こり始めています。一人ひとりの存在がこのプログラムを実行することによって、集合意識の濃度が変わることでしょう。より多くの人が光側を望むことによって軌道が修正されていくのです。高度な意識の集合体は逆を唱える意識を遮断するようになるでしょう 集合意識につながりやすい入眠間際、三分でも五分でも、意識を集中させてください。香りや音楽の力を借りても良いでしょう。ゆっくりと深呼吸をしましょう。身体中の空気を吐き切り、ゆっくりと深く吸い込んでください。自然と穏やかに深呼吸が安定してきたら、考えるのではなく感じてください。今ある人生に、自由な肉体と感情と精神に、それによって齎された気付きの断片に感謝を感じてください。あなたの心はあなたの身体の中でバランスを取る必要がある唯一の最も重要なエネルギーセンターです。如何なるものであってもあなたを物理的に拘束することはできません。長期にわたる大勢の協力によってそうした世界に存在している今に喜びを感じてください。そしてあなたが今生の中で問題と感じていたことを振り返ってみてください。それは現代社会のネガティブサイドにコネクトされた経験でした。あなた自身の存在に何の影響も拘束もできないものです。それらを断ち切り、心の中にあるすべての緊張を解放してください。このライトネス瞑想はあなたの周囲に光のグリッドを作り始めます。一人一人の光のグリッドがやがては地球全体に広がり、この瞑想を実行するすべての存在と相互接続し、そのたびにその接続はますます強くなります。穏やかに呼吸を続けましょう。自分の心拍を感じてください。心臓が高鳴り、鼓動していることに気付き、慈愛によって守られ、存在していることを感じ取ってください。



アルクトゥルス人 1 2021 年 1 月 7 日







これを支援するには、1日少なくとも16時間の絶食が必要です。私たちは神経系テンプレートに必要なアップグレードを実行するための計画的な介入を行っており、ガイアがこの変化する磁気アイテムの移行フィールドを通過する際に周波数調整が起こることを可能にしています。 放射と光子活動のアップグレードは、ソウルグループのテンプレートと連携してホログラフィック形式で行われています。この波動のシフトに人類を根本的に対応させるために、スタービーイングたちがヒーリング・チャンバーを通じて支援しています。人類の集合体が周波数の加速を安全に統合するために必要なDNA活性化の最適レベルに達するには時間が足りないため、私たちは有機的なプロセスに介入しなければなりません。


大変動の結果、私たちは生物物理学的レベルで話します。母なる地球の体は、これらの周波数が地球の中を容易に移動できるようにするために非常に支援を必要としています。ガイアがこの 4 次元移行ゾーンを通過する際に、ガイアの本体の完全性をサポートする能力が加速されます。これは、あなた方が理解するようになった ET の開示ではありません。この重要な瞬間を大規模に支援するための同盟の介入です。しかし、空にはある特定の現象が存在するでしょう。主流メディアの堕落した者たちが、人類の多くの注意を逸らすための偽旗と彼が呼んでいるように、作り出そうとしている現象は、ここ地球上で見下ろしているだけであり、あなたが劇的な構造に焦点を当てている間、あなたはそれをすることはできない。宇宙全体と自分の中で実際に何が起こっているのかを認識しています。第二波の説明のつかない爆発や、スクリーン上の政治的人物がライバルのふりをしているのも、人々の気を散らすものなのです。






Session 1

Arcturians 1 Jan 7, 2021

Message from the Arcturian Collective

Message from the arcturian collective humanity must urgently prepare please listen a collective collective wish to speak with you regarding some upcoming upgrades to the collective dna templating. We are a collective of arcturian star beings part of the galactic federation of light in service to the transition of life forms on the planet to higher dimensional frequencies we are appreciative of the opportunity to speak with you and request for you to relay this transmission to those with whom this message will resonate in three weeks around end of january there will be a cosmic event occurring that humanity must prepare for transition into fourth dimensional density is occurring and this will directly affect the stability of the planet the human consciousness must be prepared to experience certain phenomenon that will seem unusual particularly in the sky you must stay out of fear it has become necessary for a galactic intervention to help humanity and planet gaia keep pace with the acceleration of other ascension related phenomena occurring throughout the cosmos the ascension shift occurring on your planet is going to move into hyper speed or overdrive the time is collapsing much faster towards the point of cosmic neutrality and the human beings must drastically address their alignments to integrate these frequencies we come to give you notice warning of preparation for what is to come will shake to the core life as you know it it is shown that many starships are beginning to encircle the globe manifesting and materializing out of nowhere they are parked and observing frequency of these crafts is interfacing with the frequencies of the earth these ships are creating a buffering force field a network generated to dissipate any vibrational impact for what is approaching the earth there are cosmic phenomena affecting the magnetics of the planet the earth has moved into a different vibrational and dimension space the fourth density she is transitioning through a zone where other native celestial bodies forms in their orbit pose a potential danger along her course gaia is transitioning out of 3d into 4d where there are planets we do not usually see in our sky like nibiru these other planets asteroids are going to influence the earth mostly energetically as she transitions through this corridor it is a rough ride to navigate for her many messages are being targeted to distort frequency and facts mixed message designed to lead the masses astray and divert focus from what is truly important at this time many distractions around on your planet to keep humanity in a state of

unpreparedness for the real challenges that are presenting it is imperative that humanity begins to accept that which they are seeing and knowing deep within to be true thousands of our ships and beings have come from far and wide to assist in this transition it is in the great interest of gaia an star nations seated upon her incarnated through her the great portals target that she is that we have all come forth to facilitate the shifts that fast approach prepare your physical bodies the best way to do this is to fast begin intermittent fasting as soon as possible because this is going to enable a frequency shift very fast it will allow energy currently being utilized for digestive and metabolic processes to be redirected towards the upgrading of the neurological systems at this time fasting for at least 16 hours a day is required to assist us with a planned intervention to perform necessary upgrades to the nervous system templates allowing frequency alignment to occur as gaia moves through this transitional field of altering magnetics item radiation and photonic activity upgrades are being done in holographic form working with the soul group templates star beings are assisting through our healing chambers to radically bring humanity up to speed with these vibrational shifts your systems are undergoing a manual upgrade we are having to intervene in the organic processes which have run out of time for the human collective to reach the optimal levels of dna activations required to safely integrate an acceleration of frequency we have been given special permission and clearance to directly intervene in humanities awakening and to assist with reconnecting the templates because the organic ascension evolutionary process is being negatively interfered with beyond humans ability to achieve an ascended state on its own therefore our assistance is required to bring forth the alignments that will allow the flow and integration of intense light frequencies and shifting affecting your planet in the weeks and months ahead also there are areas on the earth’s body plane that are still in a compromised state if gaia is unable to integrate these higher frequencies due to density and trauma blockages cataclysmic events will result we speak on a biophysical level the body of the mother earth is in great need of assistance to allow these frequencies to move through her with ease we are assisting at an accelerated capacity to support the integrity of the body of gaia as she moves through this 4d transitional zone this is not the disclosure of ets in the way you have come to understand it it is an intervention of the alliance to massively assist in this critical moment however there will be certain phenomena in the skies they mainstream media fallen ones are looking to create as he calls them false flags to distract much of humanity is only looking down down down here on the earth and while you are focusing on dramatic constructs you cannot be aware of what is truly occurring all around the cosmos and within you second waves unexplained explosions political characters on the screens pretending to be rivals distractions it is of

great importance to exercise discernment in these times all manner of manipulations are abounding accessing information through one’s own vibrational resonance is critical at this time prepare yourselves you will know the moment of which we speak your personal focus has been more often on the skies recently has it not the sun appears to be setting in a different place or the sky and sun are sometimes a strange hue it is us who nudge your attention up towards the celestial space keep your eye on the sky the signs will come be in the heart space and assist us in assisting you to realign your neurological and energy circuit systems for most people this operating process must be done during sleep time in an unconscious state because the realignments often occur with symptoms such as involuntary physical movements twitches and vibrating or hot and cold sensations in the body it can be an intense or unnerving experience for some the physical activations will already be felt while reading this message we encourage you to relax into the visceral process and allow it to be completed without resistance let the downloads flow this message is encoded with light frequencies we are asking you to put forth the physical form of these words into the human collective consciousness field it is the manifestation of and vector for this vibrational transmission where you send this message who sees it who heeds it you do not have control over beloved though we are asking for and relying on humanity’s co-creative participation in this process we thank you.


