Elena Danaanさんの2023年9月7日の現在のイベント(ディープステート内潜入者による内部告発、宇宙船が頻繁に目撃されている理由、情報開示、人類のDNAなど)に関する最新情報の全文和訳です。
シダーズまたはパタルとしても知られる銀河間連合ですが、それは連合全体ではなく、ここに存在するグループにすぎません。 彼らは、銀河同盟と協力して、自分たちの船をますます見せ、より多くのオーブを送る決定を下しました。
地球の大気圏であなたが見ているほとんどの船は、無人船です。つまり、ドローンであり、リモート駆動しています。地球の大気圏は、依然として危険です。なぜなら、人間の手先がまだテクノロジーを持っているからです。 クロークまたはステルスであり、ディープステートは崩壊しつつありますが、いくつかのことをまだ少し保持しています。
つまり、あなたが見ている船には誰も乗っていません、非常にまれに誰かがいるときは非常にまれですが、彼らはあなたに姿を見せるためにここにいます。 そして、あなたはそれらを見ることがますます増えています。 写真を撮ってビデオを共有し、CE5 瞑想(地球統合瞑想)を行ってください。
CE5 については、誰が発明したかは関係ありません。 これは、独自の C5 タイプの瞑想を作成するためのガイドラインです。 自分のやり方を自分で作ってください。 秘訣は周波数を上げることです。 それはどういう意味ですか?
あなたという存在とあなたの意識のすべての原子や粒子をより速く振動させます。 周波数が高いほど、振動速度も速くなります。 では、より速い振動とは何でしょうか? そうですね、愛は恐怖、次に憂鬱、次に敗北、そして怒り、嫉妬、これらすべての言葉、より遅い周波数(低レベル)の感情よりも速い振動(高度な振動)です。
開示計画は、昨日ではなく、1940年代から準備されてきました。そうなんです。そして、ディープステートはこのことを知っているので、私がそれについて話すことができますが、彼らはそれが誰であるかを見つけることはできません。 それには多くの個人的な犠牲と関与が伴います。
多くの人々が今でもそれを行っています。クンダリーニを活性化する方法を教えてくれる人たちのところに戻ってください。私は何年もあなたたちに見せてきました。 そして、これからも見せていきます。力を司る二匹の蛇、赤と白です。
ハートは入り口です。 それによってあなたは他のハートにつながるのです。なぜなら、愛とは常にそうであるからです。それはいつも道なのです。怒り、憤り、何か、誰か、状況を感じたら、愛に変換する。私たちは皆、錬金術師です。私たちは皆、自分自身の創造主なのです。私たちは人間だから、この宇宙を共同創造している。私も人間であり、すべての人間の魂はこの力を持っています。
I have great hope in humanity of Earth because I am witnessing changes. More and more, I’m seeing many of you, more and more of you gathering people, gathering in love, gathering with an intention. This is undoubtedly exhilarating for me because I knew this would happen but actually seeing it happen.
It’s such a joy, such a relief. Even if I knew where humanity of Earth is going, seeing it happening as I was just saying, it’s formidable, it’s so beautiful. More and more, I see many of you breaking out from the fear, breaking out from the division manipulation, breaking out from the mind control of the medias, of the religions, standing for yourselves, speaking out.
And the best, the best I see the most efficient to change this world, is gathering under the energy of love. I see that happening. People leading meditations, group meditations, people starting to finally look up and see the ships because I may remind you this great disclosure plan is made for you to be accustomed to the existence of other people, people from other cultures, other worlds.
The intergalactic confederation that you may also know as the Cedars or the Patal, it’s not the whole confederation, it’s just a group that is here. They, in collaboration with the galactic alliance, they’ve come up with a decision to show their ships more and more, and send more and more orbs.
The most of the ships you see in the atmosphere of Earth, they are unmanned ships, that means they are drones, they are driven by distance, because the atmosphere of Earth, it’s still dangerous because the human minions still have technology out there that is cloaked or stealth, and the deep state is crumbling down, but still has a bit of hold on a few things.
So the ships that you are seeing, there’s no one on board, it’s very rare when you have someone very rare, but they are here to show themselves to you. And you are more and more to see them. Take photos and share videos and do C5 meditations.
You know, about C5, whoever invented it, it doesn’t matter. This is a guideline to create your own C5 type -like meditation. Create your own way, you know. The secret is to raise your frequency. What does it mean?
Make all your diatoms and particles of your being and of your consciousness vibrate faster. A higher rate of frequency is a faster rate of vibration. So what is a faster vibration? Well, love is a faster vibration than fear, then depression, then defeat, you know, then anger, jealousy, all these words, all these emotions who are of a slower frequency rate.
If you feel a little spark of love in your heart for something you love, or someone you love, whatever the realm of the creature, you become this frequency of love and you allow yourself to be completely overwhelmed by it.
And you become it and you have reason, your frequency, and you can then share with others. And when you do that, you look up and then you may see more things in the sky. I promise you, many of you have done it and they are amazed, they are impressed, you know.
The plan of the disclosure is to make you accustomed to our existence. And the Earth Alliance has a plan also, they’re part of the plan, which is a cooperation common plan, okay? With the Galactic Federation of Worlds, the entire Galactic Confederation, other confederations, positive organizations such as the Zenatian Alliance, which are known as the Andromeda, while all these people have the same common plan with the Earth Alliance, which is cooperation of White Hat, Earth Military, and the Federation, Galactic Flourishing of Arts.
The common plan is to get the civilians of Earth get accustomed to the existence of people from other worlds. People from other worlds show themselves in the sky, and the people of Earth disclose the hidden past, the secret fives, and that’s the toughest part, because it needs to come from the people who are deeply involved in this organization.
The disclosure plan has been prepared, not yesterday, but since the 1940s. Oh yes. And I can talk about it because the deep state knows this, but they cannot find out who it is. It involves a lot of personal sacrifices and involvement.
And to be able to infiltrate these organizations. But these people have been silent, have reported constantly what was going on in these organizations. these organizations to the Federation that we know what’s going on.
And now is the moment when they come out. Hey, I was a spy all these years and now I’m going to talk about what you’ve been doing because I’ve been involved in this too and I’m going to talk. That’s what’s happening.
These are the whistleblowers. These are times of great change on all the levels, you know, economic monetary as well. There’s no economic collapse. Who would it benefit? The deep state? No. The galactic alliance?
Why? Do they want us to have more chaos to be even unable to step forward into our future? No, they don’t. We certainly do not need it. This year, there’s no chaos coming financially. It’s been announced to you this chaos for years, as it happened.
There’s a transition. The monetary system changes. It’s going to be quantum, financial system based on two values, gold and silver metal. That’s not silver. That’s all I’ve been told. So I guess my guess is platinum.
Well, don’t worry. Don’t worry. All you have to worry about is you and your family that you are going to make it through. How by staying connected, connected and on the same frequency of mind, speaking the same language.
You know the metaphor of the Tower of Babel and Lille want to divide people to be able to control them and that they do not speak the same language. That is a metaphor for saying that the people start to argue because they have different opinions that are engineered by the bad aliens to make people argue with each other.
And we have the whole walk movement that is also something that has been engineered. We know that by Deep State and so many have fallen for it. To depolarize you.
Your power is your polarity. I’m going to repeat this. Your power is your polarity. Thank you. There, the deep state wants to depolarize you that the machine doesn’t work, that the current doesn’t work, that you fade and vanish as a species.
This will not happen because we are not going to let this happen. You are not going to let this happen. You have an inner polarity. You have a sexual polarity also. It’s two different things. But when you are influenced to cancel your sexual gender polarity, also you enter a frame of thinking that disables your inner polarity.
The mind creates. The mind creates everything in the body. Diseases, healing, everything. It is time now that you activate the two coils. What you call the Kundalini. There are many methods. The ancients have shown you.
So many people still do it. Turn back to those who can teach you how to activate your Kundalini. I’ve been showing you for years. And I am going to show you again and again and again. The two serpents of power, the red and the white.
Red is feminine, white is masculine. Red because of the menstrual fertile feminine blood and white because of the sperm, of the male, of course. These two serpents dwell in two, the lower chakra, the root chakra.
They are coiled there. This is why sexual energy when it is done with love only, not sexual energy as animals, that doesn’t work. Love needs to be in the equation and the main component of the equation.
When this is done with love, it activates it. So make love. Make love. Make love. Okay? Fair love. Bind love. But also you can reach out to this by meditation. I would encourage more because it’s the easiest way if you do not have a partner.
Activate. Bring your focus down into your root chakra and see this to serpents. And by the power of your mind, activate this and they will make your body dance. They will make your body move. And you will feel the current.
It’s so powerful. And every time they cross, they cross at a level of a chakra. You know, Lexus, heart, throat. And when they arrive here, how? The pineal gland explodes and this one opens the crown.
So the two serpents, the alchemical wedding of the pink.
merge him, have intercourse in the pineal gland, open the vortex and your consciousness can fly, that’s why the kettusius has wings. And then this is when you are crowned with your own power. This is easy.
More easy than you think. When you do that, you free yourself from millennia, hundreds of millennia of slavery. Because what you do with this coil, this thing, and just show you this method, does not only reactivate your energy, your chakra, your consciousness, it repairs and reactivates your DNA.
Because DNA is structured on the same pattern, the two coils. All comes from the mind. The mind is going to activate these two coils. And once this implodes, it activates the DNA and you’re really free.
Yeah, brought for you the Adam Cadmonds, the original frequency key that was unspoiled in your DNA of your species. You can access to it by medical technology if you wish so. This is adapted to people who are disabled, who have genetic diseases and genetic really damages and malformation and things like this.
But if you are able to do it, yourself because you do not require medical technology. The gifts you have them, it’s you. And the heart first because you do all things in the frequency of love. Love is the creative pulse of the universe.
Love is the bridge. It binds atoms together, particles together, cells together, organisms together from heart to heart. From your heart to the heart of another human, another creature, to the heart of your planet, to the heart of your star, to the heart of your galactic center and to the heart of source.
The heart is the portal. By which you connect to other hearts. Because love is the way it has always been. It has always been the way. If you feel anger, resentment or something, someone, a situation, transmuted into love. We are all alchemists. We are all our own creators. We co -create this universe because we are humans. I am a human too and all human souls have this power.
The grays do not have this power, that is why they try to crack it. The reptilians, most of the reptilians, do not, somehow, like the N oor, they have, but not all reptilians. You are human, you can do that.
And you are doing it, I see it, I see it, I see it. I came back to help you, to remind you that you have this power. I’m not going to let you down, I’m going to keep on taking your hand every step of the way.
The future is, I’ve seen it so many times. I come from it and I know it’s something that you are creating now. Watch the children because they are the builders of the world of tomorrow. They are the main targets of your enemies to protect your children.
I love you and I am very proud of you. We are back, it’s the final battle and this time. We, you, all together win. You know why? Because this time, we are bound by the frequency of love.